Distributed Computing Technologies in Web Server

                                     Distributed Computing Technologies
Distributed Computing Technologies

Distributed computing is the partitioning of application logic into units that are executed on two or more computers in a network. There are numerous technologies that has been developed to allow the distribution and reuse of application logic.
Comparison of various Distributed Technologies Many reasons exist for distributed application logic such as the following:

  • High Scalability
  • Improved Security
  • Easy Deployment
  • Load Balancing
  • Problem with Distributed Components
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In a major enterprise, very rarely do you find that the entire organization and its data repository reside on a single vendor platform. Organization consists of a patchwork of systems, some based on Microsoft, some on UNIX, FREEBSD and others. So there is a big question, how do these disparate systems communicate each other? Interoperatibilty and Load balancing issues prevalent in CORBA and DCOM because they were developed before the advent of the internet. They are fine for building enterprise applications with software running on the same platform and not appropriate for spanning platforms and the internet.

Advantage of Web Services

  • Web service is simple to build and supported on a wide range of platforms.
  • Web service can extend its interface and add new methods without affecting the client's operations.
  • Web service is firewall friendly because all communication happens through HTTP on port 80.
  • Web service are stateless, there is no permanent connection that scale up the many clients.
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